The International Olympic Committee will open an ethics investigation into Issa Hayatou over allegations the African football official took kickbacks from FIFA's former marketing agency. 国际奥委会道德委员会将对非洲足联主席伊萨•哈亚图展开调查。哈亚图受指控曾收受国际足联前市场部门的“黑金”。
Senior football official Issa Hayatou has denied bribery claims made in a BBC documentary and has threatened to sue. 国际足联高级官员伊萨·哈亚图否认BBC纪录片中的受贿指控并威胁将提起诉讼。
Football Cup was first held in Dalian in1926, Dalian, China as the Chinese Football Association games for the first time ( annually) of the official event. 大连最早举办的足球杯赛1926年,大连中华青年会首次将足球列为中华运动会(每年一次)的正式比赛项目。
A football official in charge of recording yardage gained or loss. 负责记录得分或失分的足球裁判。
We sincerely hope that this platform will be able to provide football lovers from all over the world the same opportunity for purchasing various unique, official Rangers merchandise. 希望籍着这个机会能够向所有喜欢流浪,或同样地和我们一样热爱本地足球的任何人仕,提供一个购买有关流浪产品的机会。
Fans also openly deride the head of the government-run Chinese Football Association, Xie Yalong, a former senior official from Shaanxi Province. 球迷还公开嘲讽官方中国足协的主席、前陕西省高级官员XIEYALONG。
Analysis of Psychological Stress of Judgment of the High-level Football Official 高水平足球裁判员判罚心理压力的分析